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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Mt. Pleasant/Valhalla, NY AYSO (Region 221)


U10 Coach Best Practices

-> Coaching Manual
It is highly recommended that each coach use the new AYSO coaching manual designed for their division. If you don't have a copy, reach out to the Coach Administrator to get one.

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Player techniques

  • Dribbling |  Both Feet
  • Throw-ins |  Both feet on the ground, behind the line, two hands behind the head
  • In-Step Kick |  Laces Kick
  • Push Pass |  Inside of the foot, on the ground
  • Receiving Pass |  Inside of the foot, control
  • Defense |  Block Tackle
  • Goalkeeping | Basic
If the players on your team are not comfortable or confident using these techniques, do not introduce new skills or tactics. Repetition and retention of basic skills lay the foundation for growth and confidence as players progress to the next level

Weekly Plan

Do NOT wing it, be prepared, and make sure kids have fun!
Start each practice with a simple warm-up (Kids love a game of tag once in a while)
  • Work on a technique with no opposing pressure.
  • Use some fun training games that emphasize the new technique.
  • End with a scrimmage or small sided game with limited to no coaching.If you feel the need to freeze play to make an important coaching point, keep it to 1 or 2.

GameDay Plan

Season Plan

Relax and let the kids play
  • If they were trained well, they don’t need more coaching while they play.
  • Mistakes are part of the game and the best way for young athletes to learn.
  • Save coaching comments for halftime and after the game.
  • Win or lose, always be positive.
Cover all basic techniques
  • If you taught dribbling in the first practice and passing in the second, make sure you come back to dribbling and passing with slightly more advanced skills in later practices.
  • Dedicate one practice each season to defensive techniques.
  • Don’t try to do too much.Repetition throughout the season is key for success.

10 Tips for coaching the little ones
From Mike Woitalla, the executive editor of Soccer America
The most recent time I heard the question: "I got recruited to coach my kid's soccer team. Any Advice?", it came from the parent of a 6 year old. It prompted me to put the answer in writing, based on some of the best insight I've gotten from coaches and players I've interviewed and observed over the years

  1. If all you do is set up goals and have them play as much soccer as possible during that hour of practice -- you’re doing a good job.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the various age-appropriate games/exercises to facilitate individual skills -- but don’t use ones that bore the kids. And if it takes more than a minute for 6-year-olds to comprehend the activity -- it’s the wrong one. (In other words, plan your practice but be ready to improvise.)
  3. No lines, no laps, no lectures.
  4. Enjoy yourself! If for some reason you’re grumpy, act like you’re enjoying yourself. Kids pick up on body language and you’ll get the best out of them if they sense you like being their coach.
  5. Greet each player when they arrive in a way that lets them know you’re happy to see them.
  6. Always end practice on an upbeat, happy note. (Even if they drove you absolutely crazy).
  7. See the game through the children's eyes. This will remind you that your main objective is helping them discover the joys of soccer. And not to expect a 6-year-old to play like a 16-year-old!
  8. Do not yell instructions at them! Do not coach from the sidelines during games! This interferes severely in their learning process. It also makes you look rather silly -- an adult screaming at 6-year-olds while they’re playing.
  9. Sit down during games, instead of prowling the sidelines, which only creates tension that unnerves your players.
  10. Always have a first-aid kit (including ice-packs) with you.

Contact Us

Mt. Pleasant/Valhalla NY AYSO (Region 221)

1 Town Hall Plaza, Rec Dept Office
Valhalla, New York 10595

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 347-205-1763

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